Every web hosting package with mywebhostingaccount.com comes with unlimited email addresses for unlimited domains. It is just the combined website and email storage space that is limited on the web hosting account. You can clear up email storage space on your web hosting account by connecting your custom domain email addresses to a free Gmail account, utilizing the free Gmail storage space and the Gmail interface. With this setup, you will be able to send and receive your custom domain email right from within a free Gmail account.
- Send email in Gmail: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/22370?hl=en
- Receive email in Gmail: https://support.google.
com/mail/answer/6304825?co= GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en (During setup, leave the box unchecked that says "Leave copy of retrieved message on the server". With the box unchecked, once the emails are downloaded into Gmail (they will automatically download every so often), it will then delete the email from the web hosting server, clearing up storage space on your web hosting account, and utilizing the free email storage space built in to Gmail. This will use "POP3", but will be able to sync across multiple devices because Gmail will sync across multiple devices)
To find the specific email settings (POP3 and SMTP server information) needed to configure your custom domain email addresses in Gmail, see the HelpDesk article: Access Webmail or Configure Email Program from cPanel